The song has been written, the portrait painted or the book written, but none of these are well received.
The critics are harsh, your fans are not impressed and nothing is selling.
So what do we do?
We cry—allow yourself the opportunity to mourn for the project
We gather feedback—at times critics can be harsh, but are there tips that you can use in that critic. How about the feedback from your fans? What are they saying?
We re-evaluate—we take the information from our critics and fans and re-evaluate that information. What parts of this is valid?
We are brutally honest with ourselves—this is difficult to be so brutally honest with ourselves about our “baby”. Why did this not work? Was this a pet project? Was this a process that was cathartic or helped through grief? Was this a project just for us?
We revamp—is this something we want to improve? Does the book or song need rewriting? Is there one particular area that needs the most work?
We move on—sometimes the best thing is to move on to another project and put our failure on the backburner. Later on we can decide if we want to revisit it.
We learn from the process—life and art is a learning experience. Not everything is going to be a hit! In the beginning of our careers, especially, there is a steep learning curve. What can we learn? How can this process help us to be a better individual and a better artists?
Some people may enjoy being a starving artists, but most people don’t.
Talent and a dream is a great motivator, but there are times when it’s not enough. Even some of the great artists of our day struggled for years before being discovered or reaching the pinnacle of their success.
In the meantime, the rent must be paid and food must be put on the table.
So what are some ways to provide for oneself while reaching that dream?
Ask yourself is this a legitimate dream that can be reached? Are you being realistic?
Do you have the drive and determination to reach the dream through all of the negativity or criticism?
Find a job that is flexible with your dreams
Do you need additional training, education or mentoring?
How can you continue to polish your skills and talent?
How can you use your talent to help others in your area? Can you play for a nursing home or church? Teach art at a local school? Direct community theatre? Write for your church?
Find a group of other starving artists—you’ll be amazed at what you can learn from one another, provide a critique and offer encouragement to one another.
Do you have other skills and talents to lean on? How can you use these to gain experience and bring in extra income?
Step out of the box—find innovative ways that are out of the box and out of your comfort zone to let others notice your gift and talent.
What other ways have you moved from starving artists to professional artists?
I would love to be able to make a full time living writing, but I have not reached that point yet.
However there are ways to turn a creative dream into a reality.
Determine your dream—what do you want to do more than anything
Dare to Dream and Reach for the Stars
Determine the steps needed to reach this dream—what are the steps you need to reach this particular dream and goal
Be honest—is this dream a reality? Can you work towards being a full time writer or a singer? Or do you want to be a basketball player, although you’re only 4’8? Be honest if this is doable and if it is not then how can you make it doable. You could become a basketball coach, cover the game for a local radio station or write the articles for the newspaper?
Write out your dream—people are more likely to reach a goal when they write it down
Learn, Learn, Learn—is returning to school an option? Do you need a coach? Conferences, seminars, blogs on your specialty, books and online classes are a great way to learn and grow.
Practice, Practice, Practice—begin working on the craft and learning
Network—whether it is attending conferences and seminars, joining local groups or finding a critique group find ways to network and continue learning.
Business—remember that you are working towards establishing a business. Learn all you need to know about the business aspects of your industry. I know I’ve learned a lot through trial and error.
Perseverance—don’t give up. The path is never straight and narrow. There will be many twists and turns along the way. The goal is to never give up but keep learning, practicing and working hard to move forward.
Leave a Reply: What have you done to make your dreams a reality?
Just start and see where it takes you….you may be surprised
Often I’ve had someone tell me that they are not creative. However, then s/he will come up with amazing ideas, completely re-
decorate a room or create a poem or picture that is amazing.
Often we have hidden talents and interest that we have not tapped into.
Relax mind and pay attention to where your thoughts go
Relax body and see what you migrate towards. Is it singing a song? Drawing a picture? Redecorating a room? Designing a new wardrobe?
Just start with something and see where it leads you
Is there something you always wanted to try but were afraid? You have nothing to lose, and maybe you’ve discovered a new hobby.
Try creating either first thing in the morning or late at night—people are often most creative at
What would your inner child do?
these two times of day.
Exercise can bring changes to the brain to help you become more creative.
Get in touch with your inner child—what did you love to do as a child? What do you wish you could do now?
Be gentle with yourself—it’s okay not to be perfect. I have a habit of setting high standards, but sometimes I just need to breathe and allow myself to try without being perfect.
Take an inventory—is there a group, interest or place you naturally migrate towards or show interest. Why is this? What about it appeals to you? What does this show about your true interest?
Leave a Reply: What hidden interest have you discovered?
At 90 years old, GG* still attends crafts at church each Tuesday morning.
GG has always loved crafts and enjoyed numerous projects over the years. Although she’s not able to do as much as she once was, just the fellowship is good for her.
Some craft ideas are:
Make a book—cutting out various pictures from magazines and writing memories that go with the pictures, they can create a
Sand Art is a Fun and Enjoyable Activity
Crochet/Knit—this is a popular pastime and even with numb hands, GG continues to occasionally pass the time in this way.
Sand Art—I tried this with a group this weekend, and it was a huge hit. They can mix and match an assortment of sand colors. There are also numerous plastic containers that can be chosen and this is a very affordable craft.
Flower Arrangements—whether the flowers are real or silk, this is a great idea for decorating a room or giving as a gift. With dried flowers there are numerous other ideas such as potpourri and dried flower sachets.
Bead Projects—GG has made bead dolls, trees, ornaments and other items with various beads over the years. We still have many of these and they are beautiful.
Blankets—there are great ideas for blankets, whether it is sewing one or creating a No Sew Fleece
What better way to say “Thinking of You” than with a homemade card?
Collage—using the pictures cut out from magazines create a collage or memory board
Make Cards—I love this idea, because who doesn’t love getting a card? Cards can be made for numerous occasions from Christmas and Valentine’s Days to Thinking of You to Happy Birthday to Thank You Cards and much more.
Color Decorations—whether it is coloring shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day, cut out Valentines for Valentine’s Day, decorate Easter Eggs, or make candy canes there are numerous ideas for making and coloring decorations for use.
Paint Bottles—again there are numerous ideas out there that can be used for decorations.
Join the Conversation: What other arts and crafts ideas can you think of?
“I’ve got natural talent, that should be enough,” we’ve all heard someone say this. However, there are times when it is not enough.
There is the story of the classical pianist who practiced fifteen hours a day and traveled the country performing. However, when he stopped practicing on a daily basis, he began to play the same pieces all the time and felt mundane in his work. When he noticed this he began to practice again and saw a difference in the bookings he received and his audience.
So why isn’t natural talent enough?
There is always someone better than you and someone worse than you
We live in a critical society
Practice Brings Progress…will you be just okay or the best? What does your practice say about you?
To be the best you have to stay at the top of your game. How many times have we heard of a performer that allowed success to go to his/her head and spiraled out of control?
Regardless of our specialty, we need to continue to learn new methods, ideas and styles in the industry.
Practice, Practice, Practice makes the best. Unfortunately at times this isn’t even enough!
We have to work hard to get to the point of success with our talent
Often in order to achieve a goal or the point of success something else has to be sacrificed. Only the individual can decide what that sacrifice is and if they are willing to make it.
We need to be pushed out of our comfort zones. This is usually best done with a coach. We often think of a sport coach or fitness coach pushing us, but there are other types of coaches. This can be a critique group, a creativity coach or a coach specialized in the field of study {vocal coach, art coach, writing coach, etc}.
Perseverance—often reaching goals and being successful takes persistence. Imagine if Benjamin Franklin gave up the first time he tried his theory of electricity or Alexander Graham Bell gave up when he was working on the telephone?
It is human nature to think that we are the best and only one that will succeed. Cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Nashville are full of talented individuals striving to make their mark in the industry and craft of their choosing. However, only a small handful find success.
Often it’s not the most talented, but the most persistent that eventually succeed.
I am a natural introvert and enjoy my silence at times. I often notice that it is in these quiet moments when I can just get still and listen I become the most creative.
We live in a society with numerous distractions but there are times when we just need to turn them off and take a break.
What I’ve discovered about the silence:
I can begin to hear myself think
My sanity is restored
I am able to re-focus my mind
I am a better listener when I’ve been silent
I become more productive
I become more thoughtful
I become more observant
Leave a reply: How Does Being Quiet help your Creativity?
I’ve often had people tell me, “I’m just not creative.”
Perhaps, that person isn’t a musician, dancer, artist or writer. However, that person most likely still has some creative flair. Often it’s just discovering what the passion is and taping into it.
I’ve seen these same people become excited about designing a room, throwing a party, or working on various crafts. All of these are creative outlets.
So, how can you recognize your creative side?
Passion—notice the things you are passionate about, such as designing a room, throwing a party, putting together an outfits, looking at floral arrangements, cooking, gardening, etc.
Where is your passion? How do you experiment?
Enjoyment—what are the things that you enjoy doing? How can you experiment and put a creative flair to the hobby?
Experiment—be willing to tap into the left side of your brain. Step out of your comfort zone and experiment with a craft or hobby you’ve always wanted to learn. What do you have to lose? You may discover a new passion that was lying dormant.
Unconscious Behavior—what are some things that you do unconsciously? This could include singing in the shower or car, doodling in a meeting, dancing around your house to your favorite songs, acting out stories, telling yourself or your children stories you’ve made up, etc. How could you take any of these behaviors to the next step and turn it into a hobby?
Dreams—do you have a secret dream you are too afraid to admit? This could be to perform on stage, be a speaker, appear in a film, show a piece of art in the studio, etc. Ask yourself if you can realistically sing or create art, can you learn to and take baby steps to realistically reach your goal.
Natural Talent—do you have a natural talent in an artistic field? Be willing to take lessons and develop this talent, even if it’s for your own personal enjoyment.
Give it a try and often the pieces will fall into place!
Divine Inspiration—do ideas and thoughts come to you, or do you feel inspired? Be willing to take a chance and act on this inspiration. My first book came about the same way, I was inspired by a story, but thoughts “I can’t write that.” A little voice told me, “you don’t know if you don’t try.” I discovered a talent I didn’t know I even had.
Be Quiet—take time each day to just be quiet, without outside distractions such as the television, radio, children, etc. Listen to your thoughts and discover what may come to your mind. Sometimes it’s in those quiet moments that our most creative thoughts rise.
Expose Yourself to Something New—step out of the comfort zone and try something new. This can mean attending a museum, theater production, reading poetry, discovering a new author, listening to a different type of music, writing a letter, taking a nature walk and taking photographs, taking a walk, etc.
I often find it too easy to procrastinate and put off both what needs to be done and has to be done. These are a few things I have done that have helped me overcome procrastination.
Self-Talk—often I just have to give myself a good lecture and remind myself that the sooner I get to work, the sooner I’ll be
Schedule the tasks on your calendar
Scheduling—often I will schedule the task into my day, so that I have no choice but to complete it. I often outline my day {and often week} the night before. Knowing what I have to do keeps me on task and makes me more productive. Often doing the most difficult or dreaded chores first thing each morning, helps me stay on track and more productive.
Deadline—even if I’m not on an official deadline, I will set my own deadline. This helps me to stay on task and complete the work that needs to be done.
Getting Rest—I often have a habit of working until I crash. I’m slowly discovering if I schedule in time to rest, then once I return I am energized and more productive.
Break the project down—some projects are too large to be finished in one sitting. I will break down the project into smaller segments. Each day I will work on one segment and before I know it I’ve been able to complete the project without completely overwhelming and stressing myself.
Often working together with a partner or team is a great way to open doors and stretch your creativity.
Several reasons collaborating are beneficial:
Brainstorming—when working together you’re able to bounce ideas off of one another and to brainstorm together. You can both bring new ideas and slants that can be considered and discuss the pros and cons of what will work best, why and how.
Networking—Collaborating with others offers networking opportunities that may not otherwise be available to you. Your partner{s} may have contacts that you do not have and vice versa. You never know what doors might be opened through this association.
Learn New Techniques—Working together you can learn new techniques from one another. Maybe you’ve always done things one way, but there is a simpler way or new technique you’re not aware of that your creative partner is able to share with you.
Utilize Strengths—each partner may have his/her own strengths and weaknesses. By teaming up you can draw on one another’s strengths. Ideally, you would want to search for a partner that has a strength where you have a weakness and vice versa.
Fun—collaborating together can be fun and give you the necessary socialization needed that you would not have when working alone. This can make the craft of creating less stressful, more productive and even more creative.
What are some benefits you’ve had of collaborating with others in your creative field?
After years of developing your craft, at some point you may decide to go professional, and earn money for your craft. Whether you decide to monetize your hobby, go part time or make this a full time job, there are some hard lessons I’ve learned in my pursuit of going professional.
Treat this as a business—the craft is great and your passion, but you have to remember to treat this like a business. That
Know Your Limits
includes keeping records, paying taxes and negotiating contracts.
Have a contract—when getting started this may be a little scary. I’ve made numerous verbal contracts with various businesses and often have been burned because they changed their minds, did not know their own budgets or had a change in their itinerary. With a signed contract, the company realizes the sincerity of your efforts, and are less likely to take advantage of you.
Take it slow—don’t overwhelm yourself with too much. Start slow, gain the experience and training that is necessary. The more experience you gain the more you will be able to charge, but appreciate those small breaks.
Know Your Limits—know what you can and cannot do. If you are asked to do something that’s not possible or will take longer than the time required, tell the company up front. It’s better to be honest from the beginning, than to take on more than is humanly possible. You have to know when to push yourself to meet a deadline and when to give yourself more time.
Read Your Audience—Know your audience and be willing to change when something isn’t working. As a musician, I often think that one song or activity will work with my clients. I often discover in the middle of it that it is not going as well as I planned. I make a mental note not to do that song or activity again and will even change my outline in the middle, if necessary and possible.
Where do you work on your creative projects? Do you find that some areas bring you down? Is there anything preventing you from your work?
I mainly work at home, but there are times when I discover that I cannot get into the groove. There are too many other things that distract me. When that happens, I have to get away in order to accomplish my goals. At the moment I’m writing this at GG’s house {she has no internet to distract me}.
So what can I do so that my environment does not affect my work?
Set a dedicated space to work—whether this is a corner or a room, find an area just for work
Turn off distractions—turn off the television, internet and other distractions.
Use Music—find music that allows me to concentrate and get into the needed mood and groove
Explore other areas—find other places to work such as a coffee shop, library, park, etc. Often just a change of scenery helps.
Schedule time to work—schedule the time to work on your craft. Knowing it’s on the schedule and has to be done is a huge help at time.
Decorate—decorate your area to inspire you and your creative medium
Do Not Disturb—Let your family and friends know that you are working during this time and cannot be disturbed.
What have you done to make your environment more attractive for working?
Do you have ideas that come a mile a minute? Do you have numerous outlets or interest to try? Would you like to make a living with your creative desires?
Creative types often deal with all of these questions.
So how do you determine answers to these questions?
Write your ideas out
Try different things
Determine what you can’t do
Determine what you enjoy doing and want to continue to explore
Is this just a hobby and for fun?
Is this something you dream about making a living out?
Can you eat, sleep and breath this creative style
How can your ideas be implemented into your medium of choice?
Are you willing to learn and develop your skills?
Are you willing to take chances and step out of your comfort zone to meet your goals?
Do you have the financial resources to pursue your dream?
Write out your goals and a plan to get from where you currently are to where you want to be.
What other steps would you recommend to explore your creative desires?
This is the time of year that many conferences are taking place.
Networking is essential to most of the creative arts. Often it is all about who you know that allows you the break you are looking for.
So what are some great ways to network?
Workshops—often are for just a few hours or days, concentrating on one emphasis to help you grow, learn and improve
Conferences—often last a weekend to a full week, offers numerous classes, opportunities for critique, networking opportunities and the chance to meet important people in your industry
Critique Groups—groups that meet to share one another’s work and offer constructive advice on how to improve and make it better
Classes—these can be anything from a music school to a theatre or art class to a continuing education class at a university. You’re there with others of your skill level that also want to learn and grow. You could make friends, find accountability partners or even find someone to collaborate with.
Networking Events—many communities offer networking events, check your local listings. You can also check with the library, school or business that specializes in your interest.
Volunteer—if you’re interested in theatre but unsure how to get started, volunteer to help with the sets, costumes, etc. This is a great way to make friends, see what happens behind the scenes and ease yourself into this area of interest. You never know what doors may open through this endeavor. This is a great way to get involved with any creative interest.
Mentor—a mentor is a great way to grow. The mentor offers his/her expertise and advise, can offer contacts and networking opportunities you may not otherwise have. The most difficult aspect is finding a mentor that has the time to take you under his/her wing.
Often we think that we can only worship God through prayer and Bible study. This is a great way to worship God and very important, but it’s not the only way to worship God. There are some creative ways that we can also worship our Lord and Savior.
Journaling—journaling is very popular and you hear many people talking about journaling. Journaling allows you to pour
Art Journaling
out your feelings on paper. I often find that when I pray I can’t find the words, but when I write a letter to God the words just pour forth. Journaling comes in many forms: writing God a letter, keeping your thoughts in a daily journal, etc.
Art Journaling—I had a friend that introduced me to this recently and I found it greatly freeing. Again, there are numerous options to what you can do. This can be coloring a picture, drawing a picture, stamping, cutting out designs to paste on the page, etc. Within the picture or design you can write your prayers or you can allow your picture to show your prayer or just pray as you journal.
Painting or Sculpture—a few years ago our church had a man come in and paint a picture of Jesus during the service. The skills of this man is amazing and he worked so fast. We may not be at this skill level but can still paint or create a sculpture while praying and praising God.
Dance—dance is a great way to praise God and show him your heart. This can be done in church or the privacy of your home. Often we hear churches say that we should not dance, but we’re told that King David danced for the Lord with great abandon. If he can do it why can’t we? {2 Samuel 6}
Music—in church music is a vital part of worship, but you can also worship through music in your home or car. Whether you play an instrument or just sing to the Lord. We are told to “make a joyful noise.” {Psalm 95:2} As musician there are times I cannot find the words to express my heart to God, but can lift up my voice to the Lord in song. I always feel better. Whether you turn on the radio, sing a capella, play a CD, use soundtracks or play your own music, God doesn’t care as long as we praise Him. Music also lifts the mood.
Drama—this most likely would be done in a group, but you could also act out a scene or monologue in the privacy of your home. Drama is a great way to express yourself and show God your heart.
Design—this option has numerous possibilities, because you could design an area in your home to pray and worship, design a piece of jewelry to wear, design a craft project, etc. Just remember that regardless of what you are designing, you are doing it to the glory of God.
What are some creative ways you’ve worshipped God?
Often we think that we can only worship God through prayer and Bible study. This is a great way to worship God and very important, but it’s not the only way to worship God. There are some creative ways that we can also worship our Lord and Savior.
Journaling—journaling is very popular and you hear many people talking about journaling. Journaling allows you to pour out your feelings on paper. I often find that when I pray I can’t find the words, but when I write a letter to God the words just pour forth. Journaling comes in many forms: writing God a letter, keeping your thoughts in a daily journal, etc.
Art Journaling—I had a friend that introduced me to this recently and I found it greatly freeing. Again, there are numerous options to what you can do. This can be coloring a picture, drawing a picture, stamping, cutting out designs to paste on the page, etc. Within the picture or design you can write your prayers or you can allow your picture to show your prayer or just pray as you journal.
Painting or Sculpture—a few years ago our church had a man come in and paint a picture of Jesus during the service. The skills of this man is amazing and he worked so fast. We may not be at this skill level but can still paint or create a sculpture while praying and praising God.
Dance—dance is a great way to praise God and show him your heart. This can be done in church or the privacy of your home. Often we hear churches say that we should not dance, but we’re told that King David danced for the Lord with great abandon. If he can do it why can’t we? {2 Samuel 6}
Music—in church music is a vital part of worship, but you can also worship through music in your home or car. Whether you play an instrument or just sing to the Lord. We are told to “make a joyful noise.” {Psalm 95:2} As musician there are times I cannot find the words to express my heart to God, but can lift up my voice to the Lord in song. I always feel better. Whether you turn on the radio, sing a capella, play a CD, use soundtracks or play your own music, God doesn’t care as long as we praise Him. Music also lifts the mood.
Drama—this most likely would be done in a group, but you could also act out a scene or monologue in the privacy of your home. Drama is a great way to express yourself and show God your heart.
Design—this option has numerous possibilities, because you could design an area in your home to pray and worship, design a piece of jewelry to wear, design a craft project, etc. Just remember that regardless of what you are designing, you are doing it to the glory of God.
What are some creative ways you’ve worshipped God?