Caregiving Monday: The Power of Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves

Last week, I shared the power of music over Alzheimer’s.

When I began performing years ago, I made the decision to end every performance or musical session with Jesus Loves Me.

I have discovered this is a song everyone knows.  I have even had Alzheimer patients that did not claim to be a Christian, but was still able to sing every word to Jesus Loves Me.Jesus Loves Me

Everyone knows the words to Jesus Loves Me.  This is one of the first songs children learn.  Even in their twilight years, they still remember this song.

I have seen patients whom were bed bound and unable to speak, but as I began to sing Jesus Loves Me, the patient began to sing along.

This often surprises family, but I’ve seen this transformation on numerous occasions, and recognize not only the power of music but the power of God and His love.

If anyone needs to be reminded of this simple promise, it is these patients that are lost behind the prison of Alzheimer’s, and their families.

In what ways have you seen Jesus Love Me break through the barriers of Alzheimer’s?


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