Several years ago, I had a job which just the thought of it kept me tied up in knots. The atmosphere felt toxic to my soul. Sadly, things did not end well but God used the experience to teach me lessons and move me to where He would have me serve Him.
Occupational Wellness is contributing your unique talents, gifts and skills to be personally rewarding and have meaning in your life.
Some questions to ask yourself are:

- Do I enjoy work most days?
- Do I have a manageable workload?
- Am I doing what I feel God is calling me to do?
- Can I talk with my boss and co-workers when problems arise?
- Am I using my gifts, skills and talents?
- Am I personally being rewarded? {this does not necessarily mean finically}
- Do I find meaning in what I do?
- Am I working towards my goals, dreams and ambitions?
- Am I satisfied?
- Do I have a work-life balance?
- Do I feel inspired and challenged?
- Do I feel good at the end of the day?
Some ways to improve occupational wellness include:

- Avoid overworking
- Find a work-life balance
- Enjoy what you do
- Write out your goals and create a plan
- Increase your skill set and knowledge
- Talk with a career counselor if you feel stuck
- Search for the positive benefits
How do you find occupational or career wellness?
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