There are times when no matter how much we try, we continuously face failure. There have been several areas of my life, where nothing I’ve tried has succeeded. I continue to face one failure after another. Over time, this is enough to make anyone grow weary, frustrated, overwhelmed and even defeated.
So how do you continue to move forward when nothing is working?
- Don’t Give Up—if you are pursuing a dream, never give up, no matter how much defeat and frustration you receive. I’ve heard some writers say that they received thousands of rejections before receiving a break through. I’ve heard artists say that they worked for twenty years before making it big. However, they never gave up.
- Keep Bouncing Back—this is much like never giving up, work through the emotions and bounce back.
- Evaluate—often I’ve had to go back and evaluate what worked, what didn’t work, and the why for each one. Then I figure out what I can do differently and how to move forward from there.
- Be Realistic—often it’s easy to reach for our dreams without being realistic. You will not become a concert pianists, if you refuse to practice the piano.
- Set Goals—often I feel like a fish at sea, but when I set goals and see where I’m going and what needs to be done to get there, I make much better progress.
- Be Open to Change—sometimes we need to be open to change, whether this is going in a different direction, taking a different approach, learning a different technique, etc.
- Never Stop Learning—continue to read, study and follow the experts in your field of interest. There is so much that we can learn from these experts, including not on the subject matter but also what to do and not do.
- Be Open to Feedback—be open to accepting constructive criticism from others. Yes, there is the occasional person{s} that wants to pull you down, however most people want to help you. One critique method is the oreo method. This starts with a positive, then adds what needs to be changed and ends again with a positive.
- Prayer—pray, seek God’s will and be willing to go in the direction in which He is leading.
Remember, you are not alone. There are numerous examples of people that have failed before success.

- Henry Ford had 5 businesses go broke before Ford Motor Company became successful.
- Walt Disney faced multiple occurrences of being fired, bankrupt and failed businesses before succeeding.
- Thomas Edison had over 1,000 unsuccessful inventions before inventing the light bulb.
- Winston Churchill lost almost every election before being voted Prime Minister at age 62.
- Before making it big in I Love Lucy, Lucille Ball was considered a failed actress and B movie star.
- Vincent Van Gogh is considered the greatest artists of his time, but only sold one painting in his life time.
How do you bounce back from failure? Who else has inspired you?