Anxiety and Depression Coaching
- Examining causes
- Exploring relaxation techniques
- Cutting the “fat” from your life
- Exploring moments of Gratitude
Financial Coaching
- Taking control of your money
- Setting and achieving financial goals
- Developing a budget that is within your means
- Identifying additional income opportunities
- Cutting expenses and eliminating debt
- Developing a plan to save for emergencies
- Improving communication about money
- Eliminating money fights with your spouse
Physical Health Coaching
- Exploring triggers
- Developing an exercise plan
- Learn about nutrition
- Learning about healthy options to a hectic lifestyle
Play Coaching
- Taking time for yourself
- Developing habits and hobbies that are enjoyable
- Finding ways to enjoy yourself
Relationship Coaching
- Healthy boundaries
- Communication skills and techniques
- Working through issues and obstacles
- Discovering ways to diffuse a heated conversation
Rest Coaching
- Taking time for yourself
- Rest and relaxation techniques
Social Coaching
- Working out of your comfort zone
- Making new friends
- Communication skills and techniques
Spirituality Coaching
- Deeper personal relationship with God
- moving forward in faith
- daily Bible Study
- Journaling
- Prayer practices
Stress Coaching
- Exploring triggers of stress
- Developing relaxation techniques
- Setting boundaries
- Gratitude statements