10 Lessons I’ve Learned from the Wait

Previously we discussed waiting for things to happen.  Waiting is never easy, especially when that season is prolonged for years.  I want to share a few lessons that I’ve learned while waiting.

  1. God will always provide and in the process I’m drawing closer to Him    praying through the wait
  2. God is preparing me for the future
  3. I am learning how to be patient {not easy}
  4. I am learning to have faith
  5. I can use this time to prepare my mind, heart and skill set for what’s to come
  6. He has a reason to keep me waiting
  7. His timing is perfect and His timing isn’t our timing
  8. He has a reason for keeping me where I am {often this is to help someone else}
  9. I am growing and changing as a person
  10. I may not be the only one God is working on

What lessons have you learned while waiting on God?

in the wait

In the Wait

Have you ever wondered what’s next?  When am I going to reach this goal?

I have!  For years, I’ve asked God about various aspects of my life.  Some I have waited for patiently and others, well I’ve shown God my attitude.  Needless to say I’ve been impatient and even angry at times. God wants us to be truthful with Him and tell Him how we feel.               waiting on God

We are told in Ecclesiastes “For everything there is a season.”  Still I wonder when that season will come.  Why have I been in the desert so long?  When will God show me the direction and answers I’ve been waiting for?

Waiting is not easy.  I understand why the Israelites grew frustrated after 40 years in the desert.  I often wonder how Joseph endured while he was in prison those seven years.

waiting       Still I know that the answer comes down to one answer, with God’s help I will wait.  That’s the same way that I’ve made it through.  It’s not been easy, but I have to trust that He knows best.  As my pastor says, He sees the upper story when I only see the lower story.

That doesn’t make it any easier, but I’ll trust that He knows what’s best.  So while I wait, I’ll continue to lean on Him.