We were recently concerned that my grandmother had become dehydrated. In these hot temperatures of 80s, 90s, and even 100+ degree weather, it is important for senior adults to stay hydrated.
When a senior adult becomes dehydrated this causes confusion, lead to muscle cramps, lead to fatigue, headaches, irritability and increase the possibility for falls.
However, GG* and other senior adults that I’ve worked with do not like to drink much. One excuse commonly given is they do not want to go to the restroom very often.
Meal times is when most senior adults have the bulk of their liquid intake. I’ve tried explaining to GG that she needs to drink at least 8 oz of water at breakfast and then 8 oz in each three hour block she’s up. Unfortunately, we ignores me and looks at me like I’m crazy.
There are some tips that might encourage senior adults to drink more:
- Fix special beverages s/he will enjoy {ex. GG loves hot chocolate, so I fix her a cup each morning}
- Milk in cereal
- Cup of tea in the afternoon with crackers and fruit
- Soups
- Fruit—especially those such as grapes, oranges, watermelon, cantaloupe, etc. that are water based
- Juice—there are many to choose from but check the contents for one more water based and less sugar based
- Popsicles—again there are many to choice from, but look for one that is healthier and more water or juice based and less sugar based
- Foods that are water based such as applesauce, yogurt, cottage cheese, pudding and jello.
Remember that it is important to encourage regular sips of water throughout the day. Many senior adults only take baby sips.

Also, encourage heavier consumption in the morning and afternoon than in the evening. Most senior adults do not enjoy getting up to go to the restroom on a regular basis.
How do you encourage your senior adult to stay hydrated?
*Name altered