Resting is hard for me. There is always so much to do. I feel lazy by not working on my to do list.

However, God wants us to rest. He calls for us to rest.
We are told that God created the world in six days and on the seventh day He rested.
God tells us to “Keep the Sabbath day holy.”
Times have changed over the last fifty years, but not that long ago people went for rides in the country after church on Sunday or sat on the front porch and visited with family. Even task such as cooking and ironing were frowned upon.
Life has definitely changed from the go, go, go world we live in today where life is nonstop and when we’re not working, running the kids everywhere, shopping, or any other numerous task we are connected via social media, cell phones, iPads and numerous other devices.
This includes:

- Getting enough sleep
- Taking it easy
- Not over doing
- Having time to enjoy pursuits we enjoy
- Savoring the moment
- Spending time with family
- Enjoying a hobby
- Prayer and Meditation
- Reading a good book
- Disconnecting from social media for a time
- Enjoying ME time
- Enjoying a movie, hike, walk, boat ride or any number of other activities we enjoy
As you can see rest does not mean just getting the sleep we need, but also taking a deep breath and enjoying other hobbies we enjoy.