Alzheimer’s Awareness

Alzheimer's awareness


Sunday is the longest day of the year and the Alzheimer’s association is asking that everyone wear purple to raise the awareness of Alzheimer’s.

Have you taken the pledge to raise Alzheimer’s awareness?

How has Alzheimer’s effected your life?

How do you raise Alzheimer’s awareness?

Caregiving Monday: The Longest Day

longest dayJune 21st, is the longest day of the year.  It is also the day that the Alzheimer’s association brings light to this devastating disease.

Their slogan is “Grab your friends.  Do what you love.  Honor those facing Alzheimer’s.”

In essence, they ask that you take this one day, form a team, do something that you love and raise money for Alzheimer’s from sunrise to sunset.

The longest day is this coming Saturday.  One of GG doctors brought this to my attention.  He will be participating in a sport’s camp that day.

Other suggestions are dance, rock climb, hike, cook, swim, craft, music, walk, paint, cycle, garden, card games, theatre, rollerblade,  golf, or combine multiple activities together.  This is an opportunity to put on your creative thinking cap and come up with something you love to do to support this cause.alz

A few facts according to Alzheimer’s organization:

  • Every 67 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimer’s
  • 1 in 3 seniors die with Alzheimer’s or a form of dementia
  • More than 5 million American’s are living with the disease
  • Alzheimer’s is the 6th leading cause of death in the US
  • In 2013, more than 15.5 million caregivers provided unpaid care hours
  • Almost 2/3 of those with Alzheimer’s are women
  • More than 60% of Alzheimer’s/dementia caregivers are women

What will you do to remember those suffering from Alzheimer’s on Saturday?




The Longest Day, raising Alzheimer’s Awareness