Transitional Friday: Dealing with Multiple Life Changes at one time

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I’ve been sharing some of my life changes lately. I had several life changes in finding a new job and relocating to a new area.

Some lessons I’ve learned are:

  1. Embrace the situationchange life
  2. It is natural to be nervous, but keep moving forward.  Anything and place that is new is scary, until you have experienced that situation or area.
  3. Learning anything new takes time—be patient with yourself.
  4. An elephant must be eaten one bite at a time—take things one at a time.  Deal with one issue or decision {if and when possible} before moving to the next.
  5. When multiple decisions have to be made, deal with the most important first.
  6. God has put you here for a reason.   You have a purpose in this situation, a lesson to learn and a lesson to teach.
  7. Everything works together for the good of those who love the Lord.

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