Do you wish you could find activities with music for your loved one?
When I go into nursing homes we often do various activities with music. Many of these you can also do at home.

Here are a few ideas:
- Toss a balloon { or beach ball} back and forth during a song
- Purchase a set of rhythm sticks and keep the beat {could also clap hands}
- Use Scarves and make different movements to the music
- Egg Shakers—shake to the beat of the music {or make your own using rice and beans}
- Assortment of Instruments—play different instruments during a song. You could also use different containers and pots and pans for various tones.
- Dance—if your loved one cannot physically get up and dance, hold hands and slightly sway to the music {this is always a huge hit}
- Sing Simple Songs—remind your parents of when they taught you or your children songs. Many love songs such as The Wheels on the Bus, Three Blind Mice, Incy Wincy Spider, etc. You can also use the movements.
- Make Up Your Own Song—find a subject and make up a song about it, even if it is a song about items you see in the room
- Sing A Long—sing along to some of your loved ones favorite songs, whether it is hymns, Jazz, or oldies. Sometimes I even use visual prompts for shorter songs where there is a picture for each word.
- Sing To Patient—sometimes just singing to your loved one or putting on a calming CD is the best medicine. If your loved one easily becomes agitated, this might be a great way to calm the patient down.
- Bonus Item: Name that Tune—use familiar tunes and ask to name that tune. It’s amazing what memories certain songs may prompt.
Join the Conversation: What other activities can you think of with music?