Taking the Plunge into Being a Small Business Owner

rain falling    “Into everyone’s life a little rain must fall,” is an old saying we’ve all heard before.

Sometimes, that rain reveals the weeds in our lives and other times it helps us to grow.

Taking the leap into being a full or part-time entrepreneur isn’t easy.  After all, who wants to leave behind the comfort of their job knowing how much they will bring home at the end of each week.

Other times, circumstances may take the option out of your hands.   When you lose a job, start a family or even move are all stressful in themselves, but even more so when there is no one and nowhere to fall back on.

If you’ve dreamed of being an entrepreneur, this transition can be a real challenge, to want to prove yourself.  The question to ask is, “am I ready?”

  •             Are you ready for the responsibility?               growing a business
  •             Are you ready to do the work?
  •             Are you ready for the challenge?
  •             Do you have the emotional support necessary?
  •             Do you have the financial support necessary?
  •             Do you have an area designated just for work?
  •             Do you have a business plan and a game plan?
  •             Do you know what your focus is?


All of these are questions that you need to ask yourself in deciding, ‘am I ready?’

So are you ready?  Next week we will explore each of these questions in greater detail.



Transitioning from the work force to work at home

Am I ready to work at home

When is it time to work at home

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