I have often wanted to do things my way, instead of seeking God’s will. Last week, we looked at where God reminded us to look unto the hills for His help. I’m a rebel that has been redeemed. Today’s verse is a reminder of why we need to trust in God.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
If we put our trust in Him and allow God to guide, He will not allow us to fall.
he who watches over you will not slumber;
I need sleep. There are times when I go on a shortage of sleep, but eventually it catches up with me. However, we’re reminded that God never sleeps. He’s always awake and aware of what is occurring, even when we are sleeping.
4 indeed, he who watches over Israel

Israel was God’s promised people. Even when they were disobedient and God had to reprimand them, he continued to watch over them. He did not want to see His people become slaves to their enemies or wander in the desert for 40 years, but He knew this was the only way to get their attention.
will neither slumber nor sleep.
Once again, we are reminded that God never slumbers or sleep. Even when we wonder why He’s not answered our prayers, if He is listening and if He cares, God is still there listening to our cries and prayers.
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