Transitional Friday: Home is where Heart is

home where heart isFor years I was unhappy with where I was living.  I did not want to be there.  I was fighting a spiritual battle, between what I wanted and what God wanted for my life.

There were times when the situation weighted so heavily on my heart that it gnawed away at me and I became angry.

Then a few months ago, God opened amazing doors for a new job in a new city an hour away.

I realized during this time that the place I’d been fighting living, had become more of a home than I ever expected or anticipated.give thanks

Only once I had left, did I realize how much this town and place had become home.

Often we don’t realize how important a place or person is until they are gone.

We are told to be “thankful in all things.”

This isn’t always easy, especially in trying circumstance.  I’ve really struggled with this lesson at times.

However, that is exactly what God wants for us.

What have you been thankful in?

Caregiving Monday: 7 Struggles of Decline

Do you struggle with the slow decline of your senior adult?

Watching a parent age is very difficult.  Gradually the parent loses his/her ability to do many things.  This can include:loss of mobility

  • Loss of strength—maybe you have to open medicine bottles now, drink tops, etc.
  • Loss of mobility–is it more difficult to get around than it used to be?, does your loved one need assistance walking?
  • Loss of Senses–has the hearing gone?, is it more difficult to see?, are the taste buds disappearing?
  • Loss of Reasoning–is it more difficult to understand what is being said?, is it more difficult to comprehend circumstances?
  • Loss of memory—the memory begins to go and your loved one no longer remembers certain events.  The hardest thing is when the loved one no longer remembers you.
  • Loss of independence—unable to drive, need help with bathing, etc.
  • Loss of dignity—needs help with bathing and toiletry.  You may have to change their underwear while in bed.  Take every effort to help your loved one keep their dignity.  Don’t put them down.  Refer to it as underwear instead of a diaper.

How do you deal with these struggles?

Transitional Friday: 9 Lessons I learned from Life Transitions




For over three years I searched for a new job.  I also prayed about a place to live.

God finally answered both of these prayers at the same time.

When circumstances changed and life began to turn around, I was surprised by the mixture of feelings I experienced.

I was excited for the changes and opportunities ahead of me, but scared to death to be taking such a huge step into the unknown.

I was moving from what I knew and was comfortable with to a life that was completely new and unknown to me.

I had the common fears and uncertainties that our emotions can drive us to.  However, I was also excited about the changes and improvement to life these changes would provide.

I discovered that to handle this wide range of emotions:beginnings out of endings

  1. I had to take a deep breath
  2. I shared my hopes and fears with God
  3. I went through the motions, even when I was scared to death
  4. I had to take a leap of faith and trust God knew what was best
  5. I reminded myself this was an answer to prayer
  6. I reminded myself transition is part of life
  7. I had to take on minute, one hour, and one day at a time
  8. I was thankful for these blessings
  9. I wasn’t along, God was with me

What lessons have you learned in your life transition?

Caregiving Monday: 4 Solutions to Short Term Breaks from Caregiving

Caregiver burnout effects everyone at some point.  We all need a break and there are options.  Some of these are:

One fun activity at adult day care
One fun activity at adult day care

Adult day cares—many community centers offer these.  Visit to find out what they offer and a schedule that might suit you and your loved one

Day hospitals—provide medical care during the day and the loved one returns home in the evening

In-home respite—there are many agencies you can research that provide these services

Short Term Respite—many nursing homes, assisted living facilities and hospice provide short term care in their facility.  This is great if you need a week to just get away, go on vacation or for emergencies.  Research your options in advance.

Transitional Friday: When God Answers Prayers






I’ve discussed discouragement and waiting for God, but eventually He will answer?

However, what happens once you finally have prayers answered?

I’ve had prayers answered that showed me this was not God’s will for my life and took me down a dark path.  I’ve also had prayers answered that only God could orchestrate and proved this was God’s will for my life.

God answeres prayers

  1. Thank God for answered prayers
  2. Ask God if this is His will for my life
  3. Understand the lessons God has been teaching along the path
  4. Praise God for His blessings and provision
  5. Remember that God likes to show off to show what He can do
  6. The lesson in the wait is Faith, but we can’t abandon it once our prayers are answered
  7. Sometimes we have to get out of the boat and take the first step in faith

Caregiving Monday: Connecting with Senior Adults

Do you struggle to connect with your senior adult?

Put yourself in his/her shoes—try to understand the limitations and what the loved one is feelingconnecting

Celebrate their achievements—acknowledge and celebrate the small day to day abilities and challenges that are accomplished

Understand—understand what your loved one is going through; don’t push them to do things beyond their capabilities

Find nonverbal ways to communicate—let the person know you care through a hand on the shoulder, alternatives for communication, looking into their eyes, remaining calm, other ways to soothe or touch, etc.

Share memories—reminisce about events when you were younger and growing up

How do you connect with your senior adult?

Transitional Friday: 9 Lessons from Living with Parents





After leaving an abusive marriage, I moved home with my mom.  I’m not alone, more and more children are moving back in with their parents.  The reasons for this is as vast as the ocean.

This gave us the opportunity to heal both old and new wounds.

However, living with a parent is not easy, when you move back in as an adult.

Some lessons to remember:

  1. This is an opportunity to get to know one anotherparents
  2. Once a mother, always a mother—even when you don’t want to be mothered
  3. Set boundaries for all involved
  4. Define each person’s responsibilities
  5. Use this opportunity to heal old wounds
  6. Get back to your roots to discover who you really are at heart
  7. Family knows you better than anyone
  8. This is as big a transition for our parents, as it is for us
  9. No one loves you the way a parent{s} can

What lessons have you learned from living with parents?

Caregiving Monday: When It’s Time for Hospice

Objectives of hospice
Objectives of hospice



Hospice is a great resource when the time comes.  They provide equipment, supplies and assistance at no charge.  If you think you need hospice, I’d advice that you speak with your doctor about the manner.   Hospice is usually called in with the decline of that patient from cancer, Alzheimer’s and other diseases.  Your doctor or local hospice can give you more information.hospice2

Just remember to be thankful for all that the workers do and remember this is a free service.

Some of the assistance provided includes a nurse, social worker, aid to assist with bathing and other needs, religious adviser and prescriptions.